Harriet Hebblethwaite 1824, cushions from a Yorkshire sampler

This is a pair of patterns for cushions or small pictures based on my Yorkshire sampler Harriet Hebblethwaite 1824 (available separately). The cushions are mostly in cross stitch, with a small number of back stitches to match the original pattern. The pattern includes a description and instructions for the few speciality stitches. Harriet Hebblethwaite, 1824 cushions: two cushions based on a Yorkshire sampler The Flowers Cushion chart measures 149 stitches by 97 stitches. The Bird Cushion chart measures 76 stitches by 48 stitches. I think this piece would also look good made up as a drum.
Product Line:
Project Themes:
Craft Type:
Item Number:

Model Specifications:

Leaflet Style
8 1/2" x 11" Booklet
Stitch Count
149w x 97h
Project Size
10.6" x 6.9" on 28cnt (over 2)
28ct Khaki Linen

Pricing Information:

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